

What We Believe God Has Called Us to Do

We believe God has called us, in partnership with parents, to:

  INVEST in the next generation of young people in remarkable ways

  INSTRUCT young people in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith along with principles for living healthy, wise and productive lives

  INSPIRE young people by our example and challenge them to take faith-filled risks

  IGNITE them with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, a commitment to the local church, and finally, to launch them into the world prepared for life, for relationships, for service, and for leadership.



What We Hope God Will Do Through Us As We Are Faithful to the Mission

Our vision is for every one of our youth to be:

  POSITIVE that God loves them and that He has a good plan and purpose for their lives

  PERSUADED that God’s way really is the best way

  PASSIONATE for Jesus Christ, for His church, for the needy, and for the lost

  PREPARED for life, for relationships, for service, and for leadership.


Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

5 Things Youth at Harvest Church Should Know

  1. God loves you above all things and so do we.
  2. You are safe here.
  3. You are special.
  4. God has a perfect plan for you.
  5. God’s way really is the best way. Trust Him.