
Usher Ministry

The levite is a worker of God, a servant of Christ, a collaborator of the pastor and the congregation. The levite is the one who projects the first impression of the church to the visitor, prepares the way and the environment to lead them to a genuine experience of surrender and worship. Being a levite is more than an honor, it is a ministry of men and women with a gift of service dedicated to the church that is the body of CHRIST.

“If anyone serves me, follow me, and where I am, there also will be my servant. If anyone serves, my FATHER will honor him ”(John 12:26)


OUR MISSION: The main purpose of our ministry is to serve God to the congregation and visitors, warmly welcome them, welcome them, serve them with kindness, courtesy, and excellence in the different services and activities of our church, addressing them in order so that May your communion with Jesus Christ be full (Mark 10:45)

 OUR VISION: Our vision is to promote service to God with love, passion, commitment.

** Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for humans masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Colossians 3:23-24)


Members of the Usher Ministry

May God bless you greatly today and always and may our Lord continue to use us in His temple for His work. Amen.

**Ada de la Hoz

**Lizeth Escobar

**Nury Cáceres 

**Luz Marina Restrepo

**Margarita Baez

**Elizabeth Escobar 

**Emmanuel Quiñónez 

**Mark Jimenez 

**Cristian Quinteros

**Manuel Martinez 

** Jose Marroquin & Janeth Marroquin.