Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry

The Bible clearly explains the responsibility of each person to fulfil the role God planned for them. Men are responsible to exercise leadership at home and in society in especially important and influential ways. At Harvest Church, we recognize the need to pray for and encourage men to develop their spiritual lives and live out the word of God to excel in their individual calling, and to be a blessing to the people God has placed in their lives.

The men of Harvest Church meet regularly to study the word of God together. Typically, we provide opportunities for those who are willing and able, to share their insights and experiences in the understanding and application of the Word of God in their lives. Each meeting has been a blessing and we have seen the growth and fruit in many of our people. We also take the lead in the upgrading and maintenance of our beautiful building and grounds. There are many opportunities to serve God and the church in these areas, and our men joyfully participate, giving of their time and skills to make our temple a welcoming place, where the church can safely and comfortably gather and fulfil our mission. Much effort and sweat has gone into making and maintain this house of God in the beautiful condition that it is today. Every corner of this house is a testimony to the dedication and generosity of men who are working to build not only their own house, but who prioritize the kingdom of God.

We invite you to join with us, to grow in the Lord and to work together in the greatest building project ever planned: the building of the kingdom of God in our lives, in our homes and in the church.