03/22/2024 – You Will Receive Power

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

John 14: 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

The revelation of Jesus is perfected through the I AM statements. The revelation of the Holy Spirit, through the You Will statements.

The greatest accomplishment of the Lord Jesus does not end with our salvation. It would seem that nothing greater can be accomplished…but the glory of God always finds a way to magnify God more and more. The Lord Jesus Goes to the Father to ask Him, in the fullness of the Father’s complacency, to send the Holy Spirit to us! Furthermore, the Son intercedes for us every moment of every day! He is glorified more when those who had been dead in sin, with no strength in themselves, filled with doubts and scarred from the struggles of life, rise up like an army and make the enemy run, conquer for the glory of God and establish God’s kingdom in their hearts, in their homes…have a Bible study at work…those works, the Lord Jesus says, are greater, because they are performed by the lowest of the low, the rejected of the world.

Because I AM, you WILL! This is the great step forward in the book of Acts. This needs to be the step forward in your life.

These statements are not just possibilities any more than the I AM statements are possibilities. There is as much power in these statements. He said: if you believe in me, YOU WILL be saved! You will overcome!!!