12/21/2023- Do not forget God’s wisdom

Andrew Sarmiento   -  

Proverbs 4:6-7

  1. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.
  2. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get[a] wisdom. Though it cost all you have,[b] get understanding.


It is incredibly interesting to know how we, as humans, are so quick to reject godly wisdom while we chase fleshly foolishness. It does not matter what circumstance it may be; it is well known that humans are quick to forsake wisdom.  Sin offers us a sense of temporary pleasure that influences us to want more and more. And when we want more and more, we forsake many things that God wants us to have, one of those things being wisdom. Sin can offer us temporary pleasure, but it can’t offer us something worth so much more, something that only comes from our Father Himself: godly wisdom.

Solomon tells us in verse 6 to not abandon wisdom, but why? Why is keeping the wisdom of God so important to us?  Without God’s wisdom in our lives, we are unable to make the right decisions in life that gratify God, especially in real life moments. Without wisdom, there is no protection from evil. That’s why Solomon tells us to not forsake wisdom, because godly wisdom protects us from foolishness and evil.

As mentioned before, it’s so easy to choose fleshly foolishness and forget about God’s wisdom. That’s why Solomon also tells us in verse 7 that though it may cost us everything we have, get wisdom. It may take a lot out of us, most likely everything out of us, to get godly wisdom but that wisdom provided by God is so worth it compared to what the world has to offer. So, that brings the question, am I ready to give up everything to get the wisdom of God? I encourage you today to allow God to take control of your life and accept the wisdom that He has to offer.