01/19/2022 – God’s Character Part # 2

James Vazquez   -  

Yesterday we looked at the first phrase found in Psalms 100:5, “The Lord is Good…”, a characteristic that describes His nature. Today we will look at another characteristic of God, “His lovingkindness is everlasting”. Let’s return to the basics of our faith and understanding of God’s good nature, His majesty, and His power. This world throws every kind of distractions with one goal in mind and that is to sideline us. If you have backslidden in your walk with God, or you’re struggling in your faith, lets return to the basics.

Day 2: His Lovingkindness is everlasting.

Psalm 100:5 – “For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting…” King David continues to provide further insights into God’s character. Within the second phrase of verse 5, we now see the adjective “Lovingkindness” assigned to God. The word “Lovingkindness” is the best English word that translates the Hebrew term chesed, but it is woefully inadequate.  The Hebrew term Chesed is perhaps the most important word in the entire Old Testament because it effectively sums up the character of God. The word Chesed is so steeped in the Hebrew culture and theology that it has no equivalent in other languages. That explains why chesed has been rendered by different translations as “mercy,” “kindness,” “lovingkindness,” “goodness,” and others. It describes God’s covenant love for His people—a passionate, merciful, pursuing, unrelenting kindness that overlooks their inability to repay Him or even return His love. God loves and accepts us as we are, knowing that we have no way of repaying the debt of extraordinary kindness. His love and acceptance are behind His every command. Moreover, nothing will cancel or compromise His chesed love for us; it lasts forever.

Today, fall in love with God once again:

Psalm 25:6 “Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses, For they have been from of old.”