09/18/2023 – Imitating Christ

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Ephesians 5: 1 Therefore, imitate God like dearly loved children. 2 Live your life with love, following the example of Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. He was a sacrificial offering that smelled sweet to God.

Another child-like quality is imitation. This is different from just mimicking. It is a natural process that takes place during the everyday interactions in our relationships. Learning is woven into every interaction with a child. We must distinguish between formal teaching and informal learning. Many times, we are teaching one thing formally (You should love and serve God) and another with our daily example. They MUST be aligned. Children learn both ways. Christ did not only teach by His word…He teaches by example. We are to imitate Him. And we are to provide the example for our children and for others. I learned to serve God from adults in the church. Where else can anyone learn to serve God? You must be the example for the little ones and NEVER a stumbling stone.

Children learn by listening and watching those who know. Everything, from speech to walking, must be learned. And the way of learning is imitation. We are commanded to imitate God. We must follow the example of Christ. He not only told us, but He demonstrated…

Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children born in one’s youth.

There is an aim in the heart of every parent for their child. It is, in most cases by far, a good aim. Parents want their children to succeed and be happy. Unfortunately, in many cases, parents miss the mark. So many things can go wrong when one is trying to hit a mark. So many factors to take into account: the strength of the archer, the wind…the state of mind.

But our heavenly Father NEVER misses the mark. He has a goal and a plan for every one of His children. We are like arrows that He propels. And we can be assured that we will achieve His purpose.