05/10/2024 – The glory of God fills the temple

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you ignore that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have received from God, and which you are not yours?

What fills the temple is the Glory of God… What resided in the most holy place was the glory of God. Every time a house was built for God’s presence, it didn’t matter so much what it looked like—whether it was a tabernacle in the wilderness or a temple on Mount Zion. what made that place a place of blessing was the glory of God.

There were practical and symbolic items; but none of them represented the essence of the temple. Only when the cloud of God’s glory filled the temple, and the priests had to come out under the weight of glory, was it that consecrated place and the blessed people.

This fullness was not optional, but essential. God had chosen that place to manifest His glory; and He has chosen us to be bearers of His glory.

Without communion, it is not possible to maintain his glory. It was revealed to the prophet Ezekiel that Israel’s tragedy was not the result of the power or prowess of their enemies. It wasn’t luck… nor the logical development of history. The glory of God in the temple was the essence and blessing of Israel. The glory of God in this house… in your life it is the essence of your life, you’re blessing and your victory.

Maybe you’ve had God as someone distant, whom you turn to sporadically to benefit from some of his attributes. He invites you to know Him and receive Him as the God who can fill your life with His glory.