
Missionary Work and Benevolence

When Jesus commissioned the apostles he told them: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. " Mark 16:15 RVR1960. As followers of Jesus Christ their words resonate in the heart of our church. We have been able to work with pastors from Barranquilla, Colombia, having evangelistic campaigns in different towns. By the grace God we have been able to help provide spiritual and physical nourishment to children and the elderly over the years. We have participated in several mission trips to work with local ministries, We were able to prepare a place to distribute clothing, and we helped to repair a house where meals were served to the elderly. It also functioned as a nursery. In Guatemala we were able to help families that lost everything in a hurricane. God also allowed us to help churches and families in the Dominican Republic. We have been empowered to preach the gospel, dress the naked and feed the hungry. But there is still more. What awaits us now? God is opening new doors near and far. Discover the Blessing of Serving God by helping others.

Recent Video of our Ministry in Colombia