08/13/2024 -The Breath of Life

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Genesis 2: 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.


What is your greatest need? Our physical needs are manifestations of more essential spiritual needs. For every physical need there is a much greater spiritual need.

One of the gravest dangers of the human condition is our lack of awareness of our spiritual needs. God designed an awareness system in our physical bodies and in our souls so that we can identify and strive to meet our physical and spiritual needs. But sin makes us focus primarily on our physical needs.

Science recognizes that our most basic need is oxygen. It is essential for our survival. We cannot survive without it for more than a few minutes. God provides oxygen all around us. Wherever you God, God surrounds you to provide what you need the most. Glory to God for His amazing grace!

This signals our need for the Spirit of God. The biblical word for the Spirit of God is ruah (Hebrew) and pneuma (Greek) – both words meaning “breath”. The first blessing God supplied Adam was his breath of life. Our Lord Jesus, as soon as He rose from the dead, breathed on the disciples, telling them: receive the Holy Spirit!”

Our greatest need is the Spirit of God. He surrounds us wherever we go. God has promised His Spirit to all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Receive the Spirit today!