08/12/2024 – What it Means to be Faithful

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Revelation 2: 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.


What is required for us to be faithful to God until death? First, we must faithfully reflect His image. This is not something we can accomplish on our own. To be faithful means to be true to the original. God created us according to His image. We live to reflect the glory of God in this world. When we believe and live the word of God, we are faithful. When we demonstrate love through mercy, we are faithful.

The Spirit produces in us the communicable attributes of God. The Holy Spirit brings the holiness of God to our lives! He pours the love of God into our hearts! The Holy Spirit reproduces in us the faithfulness of God! God is faithful in fulfilling His promises and to keep His covenant!

To be faithful also means to worship and serve only God. It means to give God what is God’s. There is a time that belongs to God alone. There is an affection that you owe to Him only.

Faithfulness implies perseverance. God is never deterred or hindered in His purpose. Even when we are unfaithful, He remains true to His word. He calls us to be faithful to the end. He tells us to endure, to suffer, if necessary, in order to complete our ministry and fulfill all He requires from us. If you do that, you will hear these words one day: “Well done, good and faithful servant”.