06/14/2024 – Receive the Holy Spirit!

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

John 20: 21 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

In His resurrection, Christ restored creation. He accomplished this by creating man anew, in a new order. In the first creation, God created the world first, and on the 6th day, God breathed life into Adam. In Christ’s new creation, He breathes on the redeemed to give them the Holy Spirit. He gives new life, true life!

In this new creation, the Holy Spirit empowers you to live according to the teachings of Christ. He manifests in your life the righteousness that Christ has granted you. By faith you are potentially righteous; by the Spirit you are actually righteous. He empowers you to do what is right!

In the new creation, the Spirit enables us to have perfect communion with God and one another. Physical proximity is not perfect communion. We can be in the same place but not in the same mind. Christ has united us to Him and to the Father with the perfect bond of love in the Spirit of God. This is the same way the Father and the Son are eternally united! He has also united us with one another- first in spirit and in action and physical presence. We will see Him as He is, with our spiritual eyes AND with our physical eyes. We will enjoy His presence and each other’s presence eternally! In body and spirit, enjoying unity and love forever!