01/23/2024 – Your Times are in God’s Hands

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Psalms 31: 14 But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” 15 My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me

One of the most important skills we need to learn is the skill of divine time management. Most people agree that our most valuable commodity is time. All the money in the world cannot buy a second of time. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. But the true reason time is so valuable is that time belongs to God, and He uses time to accomplish His purpose. Because time belongs to God, we will have to give an count to Him for how we used it. He will reward those who used it well. That means that every second of your life counts for all eternity. What you do today counts forever. Your decisions and your actions will produce a harvest for all eternity. I pray it will be a good harvest.

To be a child of God, it is essential that we decide to surrender our time to God. Perhaps the strongest evidence that a person truly loves and trusts God is that they demonstrate that their time belongs to God. They invest a significant portion of their time to pray, study the Bible, worship, and serve God.
We can only do this if we truly trust God to be glorified when we devote our time to Him. The first step in divine time management is to trust that our times are in God’s hand. He has a purpose for every day and every season of our lives. If God brings you into a new year, He has a purpose for you. He has a plan. His timing is MUCH better than yours. There is nothing you can do to make something happen outside of God’s time, and when His time comes, no one can stop it!

God has determined and appointed times for humankind. He has determined times for your life. Live today according to God’s plan for your life.