12/11/2023 – Gratitude is Essential to your Blessing

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

2 Chronicles 32: 24 In those days Hezekiah was sick and near death, and he prayed to the Lord; and He spoke to him and gave him a sign. 25 But Hezekiah did not repay according to the favor shown him, for his heart was lifted up; therefore wrath was looming over him and over Judah and Jerusalem.

Receiving a blessing is only the beginning. One of the most foolish mistakes people make is to believe that after receiving a blessing, they are complete. God does not just want to bless you… He wants to perfect you, to form you into the image of His son Jesus Christ!

Most people receive a blessing, and they take it and run. Do you remember the nine lepers that were healed and never came back to even give thanks to Christ? He asked: where are they? Today, as we look at empty churches, we can also ask: where are they?
God’s goal for you is not just to give you the blessings that will bring you joy. His plan for you is to shape you into the child of God who brings glory to His name! His goal is to establish you as a servant of God, a minister who accomplishes His will. His goal is to sanctify you, so you manifest His righteousness in your life and shine with His light in the world!

Blessings bring responsibility, and the greater the blessing, the greater your responsibility to care for and protect what God has given you. One of the ways we honor God is to care for and protect His blessings. Blessings must generate gratitude. This is really the best part of the blessing: when you glorify, thank and serve God.

King Hezekiah failed to show gratitude after he received healing from a terminal illness. God gave him fifteen more years. But Hezekiah, instead of showing gratitude, became proud. This provoked God to anger. The only reason you and I are alive today is the grace of God. Let us be grateful and respond to God according to the favor we have received.