10/18/2023 – The Economy of God

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Mark 8: 36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? 37 Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?


To truly live we must live according to God’s economy. Everything you do in this world profits nothing unless you glorify God. The saddest thing about vanity is that you can work very hard and accomplish nothing.

To achieve joy, our lives must be fruitful. Our labor must produce fruit and we must rejoice in the fruit of our labor. The joy is in the fruit. In fact, joy IS the fruit of the Spirit of God in our lives. The saddest thing about vanity is that it is fruitless. It produces no profit. Even when we accumulate wealth under the sun, it profits nothing.

The Bible declares that all is vanity under the sun. All work for the vainglory of this world is a waste of time. Work is only profitable when it is done for the glory of God.

The wisdom of God overcomes the world and enables us not only to survive, but to turn vanity into profit. We can use the natural life and resources God has provided, our time, talents, and treasure, to work with the Holy Spirit to produce the fruit that brings joy to our lives and the lives of others…the fruit that glorifies God!