08/29/2023 – Christ Expects a Harvest

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Matthew 9: 37 “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

The Lord Jesus expects a harvest because His Investment is Great. Jesus went to the cross. His sacrifice is the greatest investment anyone has ever made. This sacrifice had a purpose. The reason for this sacrifice was the salvation of all who would

believe. This I can guarantee- this sacrifice will not be in vain. Whatever people may feel or do, however difficult it may be, whatever the devil may do against it, that sacrifice will be 100 percent effective for all who believe.

He is expecting a harvest. The sharp sickle in His hand says it all. The kingdom of God, which He established on earth, is the most productive and profitable business ever created. Even a small investment in your Father’s business will produce a high return. This is the foundational principle of the kingdom of God. Whatever you plant, will produce a harvest 30, 60 and 100 to 1!

The world today believes in Karma- a one to one return. But the principle of the kingdom is not that you will receive one for one. The principle states that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you will move mountains! If you plant the seed of the gospel wherever you go, even among the rocks and the thorns, even if much of the seed is lost, you will eventually produce a bountiful harvest to the glory of God! If you are smart, you will invest in the kingdom. The more you invest, the more you will produce, and the more you produce, the more you will glorify God.

If you are truly smart, you will invest it all! He is Productive because He has Sent His Holy Spirit to Enable laborers His expectation is more than a desire for a harvest. He has acted on this expectation by hiring laborers for the harvest. The harvest is overwhelmingly large, and the workers, painfully few. If you are working for the Lord right now, you know this. The work is overwhelming. There is great urgency because there is a window of time. We must pray to the Lord of the vineyard that He would send laborers.