04/09/2024 – Reconcile with God

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Romans 8: 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.

People fight not just against each other, but that we even fight with God. The Bible describes our natural state as one of enmity with God.

The primary peace we need is peace with God, and this is only possible through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. When He paid the price for our sin, He removed the enmity and reconciled us with our heavenly Father.

We may be shocked to find out how often we have fought against God. We struggle to achieve our goals without the approval of our heavenly Father. We may oppose mentally and even physically the purpose of God. There are countless blessings that we have received not because of our efforts but despite ourselves.

There are people who resent God for what they perceive as an arbitrary decision. Others, for a prayer that they think went unanswered. They thought God ignored them. He had, they think, the power to help them, and chose not to do it. I must tell you, every second you prolong resentment over the will of God you are depriving yourself of the greatest blessing available to you- communion with God.

We sometimes feel that we must struggle with God to obtain our blessing. It is as if, we think, God is griping our blessing, reluctant to provide it, and we mut pry open the hand of God by force. The truth is that God has decided to bless us far beyond what we can pray for or hope for.