12/25/2024 – The Eternal Blessing of Christmas
Galatians 4: 4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
The birth of Christ in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago was the greatest blessing the world had ever received. Yet, most people missed the event and its awesome significance. It was the most anticipated event in all of history, the focus of all prophecy and the essence of all hope for humanity God had provided details through his prophets- the place had been given centuries before. The time could be discerned from the prophecies of Daniel. But all this was not enough. People are very bad at identifying true blessings. But that does not stop God from giving us salvation through grace. Christ’s blessing has reached the entire world.
Every person who is born impacts the world in some way… but the impact of Christ’s birth is beyond measure. The world was immediately transformed. Even before He spoke a word…before He took one step…in the innocence of a child sleeping in a manger was transforming the world like nothing else had ever done! He was already fulfilling prophesy in the manger. He was accomplishing the fulfillment of God’s promises for His people. He was already defeating sin and establishing the throne of God as the newborn king.
The blessing of Christmas has reached you as well. When Christ was born in your life, God’s promises began to be fulfilled. Only in Christ all promises from God are completed. The birth of Christ marks the end of everything that preceded Him. You are a new creation. The old is no more. Even the “good times” without Christ are replaced by fulness of joy.
The blessing of Christ’s birth is eternal. The impact of Christ in you, in us, in the world will be made known, even if for a time many seem to miss the true blessing. Christ was born to overcome our ignorance and our sin. He was born to reign.