12/18/2024 – Learn to Obey God

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

John 14:23 “Jesus answered and said to him, “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.”


What is the most crucially important skill in your life? There are many important and useful skills that you may learn in your life. But the most important skill you must learn in this life is to obey God. This is the action that will ensure that what you do will result in blessing for you and others. Obedience to God ensures that it will go well and be well with you. If you want to prosper, if you want to succeed in life, the crucial step is obedience to God! Not only that…you will obtain God’s eternal reward!

The opposite is also true. The most dangerous and tragic action you can perform in this life is to disobey God. When you act in disobedience to God, you can be sure that it will not go well with you. As smart as you think you are…you may even succeed for a time…but eventually your disobedience will catch up with you and you will face the consequences of your sin. Most tragically, you will face the righteous wrath of God.

First, God communicated His will verbally to the first humans. You would think that would be enough. After God gave them life and EVERYTHING they could possibly need or want, you would think they would be eager to obey God, especially when His command was so easy to obey. But every parent knows that communicating our will to our children is not enough. Even in innocence, the human heart is naturally inclined to disobey.

Obedience is the most important skill you must learn in this life. We must learn it because it is not natural to us. In fact, it is the most difficult skill for any human. It is so difficult that God has had to make His greatest investment to get His people to obey Him.