12/09/2024 – Do not Forsake a Friend

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Proverbs 27: 10 Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you— better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away


God has chosen to show you UNMERITED favor in your time of need, and He wants you to know that above and beyond what you may rightfully deserve, in whatever circumstance and whatever consequence you may face for your own sin, He call you friend! He is for you! So, look to Him, develop His friendship and get beyond what people may owe you or the obligations and traditions of religion- Trust and cultivate the friendship Christ offers you!

Friendship is so special because it is not born of legal obligations. Children often argue that parents are obligated by law to provide for them. We all know that blood ties and legal contracts cannot create or sustain affections. The reason most people remain in most relationships is because they have no choice. We did not choose our relatives, or even our parents and siblings.

But we choose our friends. Beyond any obligation God may have as our creator, beyond the requirements of any covenant, He has chosen to be a friend to us.

Friendship is essential. It is sad when we relate to each other in terms dictated by obligation…when we are courteous and help each other because we are expected to. But the grace of God moves Him and moves people, beyond any obligation, to extend affection and favor regardless of any other formal relationship.