12/02/2024 – God Changes the Times and the Seasons

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Daniel 2: 20 Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.
In Babylon, Daniel demonstrated that God has the power to transform the worst times of your life into times of victory. Daniel faced some of the greatest challenges a person can endure. He was taken from his land and his family into captivity. They changed his name and tried to impose their beliefs and culture. His enemies did everything to destroy him. Yet Daniel remained faithful to God, and he overcame in every situation. Daniel knew that nothing happens outside the perfect will of God. Even Nebuchadnezzar was king because God wanted him to be king.
God decides who is in power in every nation according to His perfect plan. The king of Babylon was in power by the will of God. Every power must submit to His will. How comforting to know that God is always in control.
God has the power to transform your life. He can take your sin and turn it into your testimony. He transforms the times, but the greatest transformation takes place within you.
What are the best times of your life? They are not the times when everything happens the way we want. They are the times revealed in the word of God. He wants to give you a fulfilled life. God has determined times and seasons. The best times of your life are the times when you are transformed by the power of God.