08/23/2024 – The Sun of Righteousness
Ezekiel 43: Then the man brought me to the gate facing east, 2 and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory.
It is very interesting, and it is not a coincidence, that He tells the prophet Ezekiel specifically the direction from which He is approaching. God is approaching from the east. He does not want His people to look to the west, where the sun sets. Or north, where your desires are. Or south where your bad desires are. He wants you to look east, where the sun rises; where the new day dawns, where the sun of righteousness rises! Today marks a new beginning- a new day. We have been tested and challenged. Many of us have endured a long night; but today is a new day for you and for the church. After a long period of trials in captivity, the Lord tells Ezekiel to face the east. Today we face the east- we face the rising of the sun. The Lord always comes from the east. The Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which faces the East Gate of Jerusalem. Our hope is for renewal! Our faith is that as long as the night has been, the sun of righteousness will rise upon us and will bring new life!
What is coming is the glory of God. The reason that God had allowed His people to go into captivity and the old temple, the old systems to be destroyed is that He wanted to manifest His glory to them! He wanted His glory to shine upon them anew!