08/22/2024 – We Are the Temple of God!

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

1 Corinthians 3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”

This is an awesome revelation. God wants to dwell among His people and to live in us. God has the most glorious palace any king could ever imagine. His throne is in the heavens of the heavens, overs a sea of glass, surrounded by the Cherubim. Yet He has chosen to reign from His temple. He has chosen US to be His temple. He wants His throne to be established in the praise, love and obedience of His people. He has established the throne of grace among us.

He has chosen the temple as the place of His rest. God rests…He rested when He completed creation. He did not rest because He was tired…He rested because He knew He had done everything perfectly. This is where God will complete His work in us. This is His plan to fulfill all His promises to His people- the church! His temple! His congregation! God has done and will do great things for you at home and at work and wherever you go…but you will not be complete. God will not rest and be satisfied until you are part of the body of Christ! Until we are the temple!

God’s goal is to dwell with us forever. Let us never forget that…whatever our goals may be on this earth, our goal must be for the glory of God to dwell among us!

Forever…nothing in this material world is forever. Everything passes. But the presence of God among His people is forever. This is forever! Our relationship with God and each other in Christ is forever! Nothing…No one can break this relationship. Nothing can make God change His mind. No pandemic, no tragedy or human failure, no attack from the devil will ever disrupt this relationship! He decided it is forever! It is an eternal marriage!