08/07/2024 – Remember your Redemption

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Deuteronomy 24: 17 “You shall not pervert justice due the stranger or the fatherless, nor take a widow’s garment as a pledge. 18 But you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you from there; therefore I command you to do this thing.

One of the many enemies of the truth is forgetfulness. We tend to forget many of the painful truths that shape our lives. When people get to the top of the ladder of success, they often look down upon those who are below. They may even forget those who supported them and helped them climb out of difficult situations.

God commanded His people to remember their redemption. He established Passover to help them remember that they had been slaves in Egypt and God redeemed them with His mercy and His power. They had to celebrate Passover every year for all generations. Otherwise, they would forget.

Similarly, Christ established the Lord’s supper to help us, His church, remember that we were slaves to sin, and He has saved us by His death on the cross and His resurrection. God knows that we need to remind ourselves about God’s salvation. He said: “Do this in remembrance of me”.

The redeemed have a history to remember and to proclaim: the live and ministry of Christ! We have a responsibility to remember! We must have empathy and show mercy to those who suffer, because God had mercy on us. We receive mercy every day. God commands that we must give mercy every day!