07/27/2024 – The Glorification of Christ

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Romans 5: 10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.

The second reason that I call the ascension of Christ the best part of the gospel is that in the glorification of Christ, we are also glorified. If He was able to redeem us in His death, how much more will He bless us in His life! How much more when He is glorified! Your greatest blessings will come when Christ is glorified!

Christ has opened the door of heaven so that anyone who believed in Him may enter.

In Revelation 3:7 our Lord Jesus Christ claims the exclusive and irrevocable power to open the doors that give us access to the sovereign purpose of God. You are here today because Christ opened every door that needed to be open for your salvation and your blessing. He opened the doors of the school where you obtained your education. He opened the doors of the industry in which you work. He opened the door of this nation to us.

But there are doors that are even more important than those. He opened your heart that you attended to the preaching of the gospel (Acts 16:14). And He has opened a door in heaven that you and all who believe in Him may enter into the presence and the joy of our Lord. To enter into heaven is to gain access to all the treasures and all the blessings that God has in store for us. It is one thing for God to open the windows of heaven to pour out His blessings. It is much greater that He provides access that we may enter and receive His inheritance in fullness in His holy presence.

Forty days after He rose from the dead, after restoring His disciples, the Lord ascended into heaven. He returned to the Father, to the glory He had from all eternity. But He did not return the same way He had descended. He brought with Him His human nature and elevated us who are in Christ to the highest and most glorious place- the very throne of God.