07/18/2024 – The Fullness of God in the Harvest

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Genesis 1: 11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.

Plants and fruit have many parts. What is the most important part of the plant? The part God mentions first, the most important part of a plant, the most important part of the fruit is the seed. All the fruit is good. But there is a part of the fruit that has infinite potential. The seed contains the potential to multiply and perpetuate the blessing. The seed can transcend death. The fruit provides food for a day, but the seed ensures eternal provision. Every time a seed germinates it is testifying of God’s power to overcome death. Luke 8:11 The seed is the Word of God. The essence of the good is word that created it

Every blessing brings with it a seed. We have had the opportunity to testify and thank God for countless blessings this weekend of thanksgiving. This is important, because we usually focus on what we need and forget about the greatness of God’s grace. As in the fruit of the earth, there is a part that is for us to enjoy, and this is the greatest part. We have given grace for our blessings; but one thing we lack. What completes a blessing is the sowing. Every blessing brings with it a seed. But there is also a part that is for sowing. Sowing is of the wise. Whoever eats all the seed loses multiplication and fullness.

We proclaim today that the blessings we enjoy today have the potential to multiply, to bless many others. Every blessing you enjoy now carries within it the power to be multiplied and to bless others. Your salvation can bring salvation to many others without taking anything away from your salvation- instead it will make it greater. Your finances, great or small, have the potential to bless many others without you losing anything, but rather bringing you much greater gain. This blessing you are enjoying today has within it a powerful seed. If you plant it, you can bless many others.

After you have fully enjoyed your blessing, the joy is not over- it has just begun. You can ensure that your blessing is multiplied by participating in the divine process of God’s harvest. You do this by planting the seed of your blessing. You can multiply your thanksgiving.