05/27/2024 – Overcoming Evil Accusations

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

2 Samuel 19: Now Shimei the son of Gera fell down before the king when he had crossed the Jordan. 19 Then he said to the king, “Do not let my lord impute iniquity to me, or remember what wrong your servant did on the day that my lord the king left Jerusalem, that the king should take it to heart. 20 For I, your servant, know that I have sinned. Therefore here I am, the first to come today of all the house of Joseph to go down to meet my lord the king.”

When David returned to Jerusalem, to his responsibility, to his ministry, God restored him fully and established him! Three people came to his encounter. They represent the three greatest challenges to overcoming the power of sin in your life.

The first person to meet David was a man from the house of Saul. His name was Shimei. He represents the challenge of accusation. One of the primary ways the devil slows down the work of God is through accusation. He is known as the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10) We know this man. David certainly knew this man. When David fell in disgrace, when he was leaving Jerusalem, this man came out cursing at him, and throwing stones at David. The Bible warns us not to rejoice when your enemy falls.

Proverbs 24: 17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles;

This man clearly resented David and considered David his enemy. Rather, when your enemy is hungry, feed your enemy. If you have love in your heart, do not add to someone’s pain by kicking them while they are down. Do what you can to lift them up. Trust God’s power to restore. If you have wisdom, realize that things can change, and who is firm today may fall tomorrow, and who is down today may be restored tomorrow.