05/17/2024 – God is your Everlasting Father

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

2 Kings 13: 14 Elisha had become sick with the illness of which he would die. Then Joash the king of Israel came down to him, and wept over his face, and said, “O my father, my father, the chariots of Israel and their horsemen!”

King Joash went to visit prophet Elisha on his deathbed and said to him: My father, my father…the chariots of Israel and their horsemen. Elisha was in every respect a man of God. He performed more miracles perhaps than any other, except for our Lord Jesus Christ. But Elisha was not the strength of Israel- God was.

King Joash was not a godly king. He trusted Elisha more than he trusted God. He loved Elisha more than he loved God. God has placed many people in your life. Some have disappointed you and hurt you, and some have blessed you; but no amount of harm or blessing from any person should take anything away from your full trust in God alone- He is your strength and your relationship with Him as a son of God is the most important relationship in your life!

Elisha knew this because he had to learn it also. He had used the same words to refer to Elijah. But God took Elijah away from him to show him that it was not Elijah, but God who was the source of power and his most important relationship; and that the spirit that was in Elijah was also available to him! People will come into your life…God will provide and God will take away people; but His Spirit remains! The same Spirit that was in them is in you! This is how we stay united to God and to each other!

The test was: when Elijah is not there, what will you do? Elisha passed the test with flying colors because he placed his full trust only in God! The answer to the question is: I fully trust only in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for my salvation! He alone is my father, the essence of my strength and my family, the source of all blessing!