05/09/2024 – Christ, the fullness of God

Eddy De La Hoz   -  
Colossians 1:15 Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation 19 because the Father pleased that in him dwelled all fullness,
God is complete. He is fulfillment. We deceive ourselves by focusing on one aspect of God, however wonderful, and thinking that we know Him. We are experts in creating idols of God’s attributes. But an attribute of God is not God. A selective set of attributes of God is not God. God is fullness. When we approach Him by the Spirit, we see His glory manifested, and His glory is the revelation of His fullness. ALL of Our Senses Are Required. We need more than our eyes to know a person; the more to God. We cannot approach God physically. We cannot know Him by employing only our limited intellect. To know Him in spirit, we have to look beyond. Only faith allows us to contemplate the revelation of His Glory (If you believe, you will see the glory of God). When we approach God… when we meet him, we recognize that although each of his attributes are wonderful and would be enough to deserve all the praise… but none of them limit him. On the contrary, they all complete it.