05/06/2024 – God has removed every obstacle to save you

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Mark 15: 38 When Jesus died, the curtain in the Temple was torn into two pieces. The tear started at the top and tore all the way to the bottom. 39 The army officer who was standing there in front of the cross saw what happened when Jesus died. The officer said, “This man really was the Son of God!”

The first manifestation of the victory of the cross was that the veil in the temple that separated the holy place from the holy of holies was torn in two from top to bottom. There was much that God was doing that was not visible. It may have seemed that God was not doing anything as His son was crucified and placed in the tomb. How often we are deceived by appearances. Do not be deceived. God is in control, and He is at work today, accomplishing His purpose with total effectiveness.

The sacrifice of Christ on the cross did not seem at first to accomplish anything. In fact, it looked like a victory for evil. One of the reasons we need to learn to wait on God is that the result of His work is not always clearly visible right away. But the Lord wants to assure you today that even if you don’t see anything you expect, in His time He will fulfill His whole purpose in you.

The first thing God wanted us to know, so that we may not despair because of what we cannot see, is that He has torn the veil of separation that kept us from His holy presence. I love that He did not slide it open, but he tore it, as if to show how much He wanted it removed and rendered useless. He made it possible for you and for everyone else to have communion with God. There are many things you will never accomplish, many desires unfulfilled, but this much is guaranteed to you: you can have communion with God today and always. You can enter with confidence. There is nothing that can keep you out- not your sin, not your religion, your ideas, NOTHING!