05/01/2024 – When You Learn with the Heart, You Never Forget

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Psalm 119: With all my heart I have sought you; do not let me deviate from your commandments. 11 In my heart I have kept your sayings so as not to sin against you


One of our frustrations, especially when we reach “a certain age” is the difficulty in learning and retaining information. How many times do we try to memorize a Bible verse, or just a person’s name, just to face reality that when we need that information and try to extract it from our brains, it’s no longer where we keep it.


Yet we cannot seem to forget other things, even if we try. We can spend the rest of our lives seeking healing for the wounds caused to us in a moment of passion. The greater the emotional impact, the easier we remember what happened in our lives. We will never forget the place where we met our spouse, the church we got married in, or where we were at the time we heard about a tragedy.


We can accept then that learning does not take place only in the mind, but also involves the heart. The things that touch our hearts are the ones that are hardly forgotten. The same goes for the Bible. Our mind will remember the Word of God when we live it passionately. What is lived passionately, is not forgotten.