04/11/2024 – Erosion

James Vazquez   -  

Erosion – Such a curious word, the word “erosion”, even as the word rolls off the lips there is the immediate sense of toxicity. However, erosion takes its course very slow and very small, a tiny bit at a time. I remember discussing the issue of erosion with a historical preservationist working on the iconic Spanish fort in the city of old San Juan (Castillo San Felipe del Morro). His job was to identify the bricks and limestones needing the immediate restoration, determining the best course of action without effecting the surrounding masonry. The preservationist showed me how the brick and limestone would be hollowed out by the constant hammering of the wind and the salt from the ocean, in some cases only leaving a facade of what once was a strong structural building block. He explained the erosion would occur small and slow, undetectable. But over the course of time, the effects of erosion can collapse even the strongest military forts made from the toughest materials.

Judges 16:20 “Then she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” When he woke up, he thought, “I will do as before and shake myself free.” But he didn’t realize the LORD had left him.”

Samson did not even realize the Lord had left him, the erosion in his life brought him to this condition. It’s almost incomprehensible for us to imagine as we read Samson’s story, how can someone become totally oblivious to the fact that God has left them. But the fact is Samson’s erosion occurred slowly and over time. He himself said “I will do as before…” but it was too late, the glory of the Lord that gave him his strength departed from him. As soon as Samson became defenseless, his enemies blinded him and had him tide to a mill stone going round and round. Perhaps you have notice areas in your life that warrant attention, you have allowed erosion to eat away at the strength the Lord has given you. Like the preservationist at Old San Juan, restoring the brick and limestone, today ask the Lord to help you restore those areas where erosion has taken its toll.

Today meditate on this verse: Joel 2:25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten …”