04/01/2024 – You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Acts 1: 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The Lord had been talking to the disciples about the Kingdom of God for the past 40 days they are not fully understanding. They want to turn it back to the Lord. They ask Him: When will you return the kingdom to Israel?

Some are waiting for the Lord to do what we were called to do. Lord when will you minister? When will you make me a person of prayer? When will you produce fruit in my life? When will you do the works of faith in my life?

The answer is: Now. If there was ever a time for witnessing, it is now. The return of Christ is not only something we would like to happen…we KNOW it will happen, and we look forward to it! We have been promised this, so we celebrate the promise!

In contrast to His humble natural birth, the return of Christ will make manifest His glory. It is essential that we know that we are called and empowered to serve God until He returns. What we have been assigned to this mission. You are not to expect God will do without you. We are often asking this question…Lord, when are you going to do this? It is like a complaint. It sounds like: why haven’t you? What are you waiting for?

Amazingly, we play a part in His appearance. Not only are we told to love His appearing, we are ordered to SPEED Christ’s return. Since we are ultimately the reason for His apparent delay, we can also do our part to be instruments in expediting His return.