03/21/2024 – First Privately, then Publicly

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Matthew 6: 6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

There is a secret anointing, and there is a public anointing. The first anointing is always secret. Samuel had to anoint David in secret. This was not because God feared Saul- it had more to do with the need for intimacy and development of God’s calling in the life of David. He had to internalize the promise and learn the value of the calling. Most of us want to jump in with both feet into the calling of God before we are ready. It takes time…years of preparation.
Receiving the promises of God requires more than the passage of time. It requires your faithfulness, endurance, perseverance, and faith. It requires obedience through the difficult times.
People see… they notice. We may think that what we do goes unnoticed, but people are watching everything you do. And more importantly, God is watching!
What David had done while waiting prepared him and prepared the people and conditions for this moment. What you do where you are now will prepare you and prepare the people who will participate in God’s fulfillment in your life. They said to David: you were faithful when the enemy was strong, when it was not easy…you were doing what the Lord asked you BEFORE you had the honor of a position.
God’s anointing first works in you, then it works to accomplish a common purpose for the blessing of the body of Christ, of the people of God.