02/28/2024 – Overcoming our fear

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

1 Samuel 16: 2 And Samuel said, How can I go? if Saul hear it, he will kill me. And the Lord said, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord.

Note Samuel’s objection. It is based on fear. The challenge for us is that we must obey despite our fears. We may feel that we have reason to fear, as our enemy remains. It may seem to us that it would have been a lot easier, and much better, for God to take Saul out of the way first, and then anoint David as king. But that would require a much lesser amount of faith, and faith is what enables us to please God! We must obey despite the threat and over the opposition of God’s enemies!

If Saul had died, many would have fought to be anointed in his place. But the mark of God’s chosen is their anointing in the presence of their enemies!

Samuel had to find a way to fulfill his mission without openly defying the present establishment. God would not establish His kingdom through rebellion or protest. He would anoint a man after His own heart. Note how God says to Samuel: I have provided Myself a king. God has provided Himself a people! His choice overrules our fears and desires! God has chosen a king, not just for us, but for Himself! One who will obey Him and seek His glory! God has provided Himself with our Lord Jesus Christ!