10/13/2023 – Love the Life God has Given You

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Ecclesiastes 2: 17 Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit

My beloved, this is king Salomon speaking. He was the wisest person of his time, and he possessed all the wealth and power any person could have desired. And he manifests that he came to hate life. This has been the experience of many, even people of God, who lose sight of God’s precious and eternal plans form them. Anyone can get to this point. But God wants you to know that your live is precious, and that there is much more to your life than the struggles you see today, than the burdens of life under the sun. God’s goal for you, and my goal today, is that you love your life, and that you enjoy your life, so that you will live and work and serve with joy and gratitude.

Wisdom enables you to love life, even though sin has made everything under the sun vanity. You must love life, including your own. How can you love your neighbor if you do not love yourself?
Note that Salomon speaks in the past tense. When he focused on material things, before he considered God and His work, he came to hate life. But we see a change as he continues to think about life under heaven.
When you become a new creation in Christ, you move from life under the sun, governed by the repetitive cycles of this world, to life under heaven- governed by the laws of the kingdom of heaven. You move from vanity to reality, and from hatred to love.