09/14/2023 – Train the Child – Part 2

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Ephesians 6: 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Parents – natural and spiritual, must act diligently within the window of opportunity God provides to give the training required for a child to walk in the way of life. They will pick up bad habits on their own. No homework will be required for them to learn to lie or cheat or fight. But everything good must be learned. Everything profitable requires training. From walking to math, to the way of righteousness, we must be taught.

The Holy Spirit reveals a precious truth in this proverb: children are impressionable. This means that not only do they can learn, but what we learn as children shapes us and leads us for the rest of our lives. People tend to persevere in what they are taught as children.

This key verse not only commands to train our children, but it also provides information on what we are to teach them. The first key teaching we find relates to the fact that there is only one way that the child needs to go. This is one of the most difficult teachings of the gospel. Human nature wants to believe that we can choose our own way…that we can make a way for ourselves. Reality is there is only one way to life. Our Lord Jesus said: I am the way!

Every other way leads to death. The Lord Jesus described two roads- He is the road that leads to life. Every other philosophy, religion, tradition, choice, or way of life will only lead to perdition. It may seem right to you, it may feel good, it may be a lot of fun; but the most important feature of a roadway is where it leads. It means little that it provides a comfortable ride and awesome views if it leads to death. Teach our children that Christ is the only way. Tell them the truth- because He is.