08/22/2023 – Creatures Full of Eyes

Eddy De La Hoz   -  

Revelation 4: 6 Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

The Bible does not explain the reason that the four living creatures around the throne of God have their bodies covered with eyes. But I have to think that it has everything to do with the splendor, the majesty of the glory of God. In His mercy, God granted them the ability to contemplate the beauty of His glory, the manifestation of His holiness for which two eyes are not enough! There is natural joy in contemplating beauty. There is no greater joy than beholding the glory of our amazing God!

More valuable than the provision, the protection, the healing God has promised, is the promise of His proximity. The closer we are to God, the greater the joy, the blessing. God desires and has determined to provide His closeness.

In our natural state, we do not value the glory and the worth of the presence of God. We consider God a distant being, and most prefer it that way. But for those who have had the blessing of being in the presence of God, there is no greater blessing.

Because there is no greater blessing for His creatures than being in His presence, our God has paid the highest price to make this promise. His desire to have communion with you is much greater than you can even imagine. Our Father in heaven sent His Son to die on the cross for you, but to make communion possible.