06/10/2022 – Stealing Ice Cream

James Vazquez   -  

I remember as a young boy I had the bad habit of wiping my mouth on the shoulder portion of my t-shirts. This would make my mother angry; I remember her displaying for me a pile of freshly washed t-shirts, all with an assorted colors of faded stubborn food stains that would not come out after a wash. My repeated promises never to do it again was quickly forgotten as soon as the next treat presented itself. One hot summer day, I remember my sister and I sneaking into the freezer to steal chocolate ice cream pies, there were meant for dessert. To avoid motherly detection of the stolen ice cream, my sister and I walked around the block in our neighborhood, singing the praises of the ice cream, commenting to each other “HMM this is the best ice cream ever…”. All the while I would wipe my mouth of the melting ice cream on my t-shirt. Upon our return my mother confronted us and asked, “did you guys eat the ice cream?”, to which I responded with the sincerest reply I could muster “NO!? God forbit it, I would never do that…”, all the while during my response my face and t-shirt was filled with the evidence of chocolate ice cream.

1 John 1:19

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Let’s face it, we love stealing and eating the ice cream of SIN, in the mist of its temporary pleasures, we stain our white garments, we dirty our hands and faces. But much worse we don’t confess our SIN, we walk around with the dirty SIN stain on our garments, our hands and face.  Today, let’s take inventory of our spiritual lives, if you have SINNED, then confess it to God, HE is faithful to forgive and cleanse us.

Verse to think about today

Isaiah 1:18

18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.