04/04/2022 – Deeds gives life to Faith

James Vazquez   -  

In these past days I have been praying to God for Him to open a very specific door in my life, to give me clear directions on the next steps I should take. I discussed this prayer request with my wife, I commented to her “things are moving very slow in that area; I see no open doors for me”. To which my wife replied “James, first you have to give of your talents, first you have to give to others from what God has given to you, before those doors are open, before God gives you direction, you have to give.” Amazing how the voice of the Holy Spirit always seems to speak through our wives.

James 2:17:18

17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.

My wife’s statement cut me to the quick, the more I tried to rationalize my lack of deeds, the deeper that conviction pierced my heart. I said to the Lord, “Lord, I can write a check for the work that’s being done? The Lord told me “I do not want your checks; I want you instead. I want you to pour yourself into the lives of those who will need you.”

Perhaps like me, you have convinced yourself that writing a check, giving cash, or faithfully attending the Sunday service is enough, that you are fulfilling the deeds portion of “Faith and Works”. The giving of money to kingdom work and faithfully attending, all are good things, and you should continue to do them. But in these days of trouble, in addition to what you give, the Lord is saying “I want you, instead of your money. Pour out your talents and gifts into the lives of those who will need you.”

Perhaps like me, you have been praying that God open a very specific door in your life, that He direct you in a very specific area. You have faith in abundance, you have enough faith to spare, but you are lacking in deeds. Examine those areas in your life where your faith is lacking in deeds. Only you and God know these areas, do something about it, take the actions to accompany your faith. Then this is when the doors will open, this is when clear direction from God will be revealed.

Today meditate on this scripture: James 2:26 “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”